Ted Fick: What to Include in Your Strategic Plan

As a seasoned senior executive, Ted Fick knows that behind any successful business transformation or shift is a strategic plan—an outline that not only lays out your organization’s capabilities, position, and goals, but that also provides the tools and guidance to take your firm to the next level.

And because strategic plans are such an important piece of a successful turnaround, it’s essential to take great care with their design and ensure each crucial component is in place before moving on to that next step.

Ted J. Fick, CEO, Port of Seattle, 9 October 2014.

What to Include in Your Strategic Plan

Ted Fick has architected and implemented numerous strategic business plans during his career, and knows that for one to work, it should include:

  • Your mission, vision, and objectives. Including mission and vision statements, along with clearly defined objectives, helps ensure everyone is on the same page from the word go.
  • Your company’s core values. Articulating the principles your company is built on is key to guiding leadership and decision-making down the road.

Follow him on Behance. https://www.behance.net/ted-fick

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